
In order to verify the qualitative statements of the radial field/core radiation hypothesis, the following basic experiments or possibly already existing results of a verification of the thesis are suggested by Helmut Friedrich Krause and further by Jochen Kirchhoff and others, which should best be carried out by experienced, unbiased experimental physicists who are not 'suspected' of conducting 'irrational' research in any way:

  • Falling velocity or gravitational acceleration at different latitudes
  • Falling velocity/absolute gravity at a location in decades of observation
  • Speed of light at different latitudes
  • Speed of light in one place in decades of observation
  • Weight differences/acceleration differences day / night

Various influencing variables such as time of day, latitude, height above sea level, distance of the earth from the sun would also have to be recorded in order to get a sufficient picture of the dynamics of the processes. This data collection should also serve to support the thesis, since the influencing variables mentioned are actually relevant from the perspective of the thesis.

In principle, experiments can be directly derived from the work "The Building Material of the World"

On the site  http://radialfeldhypothese.helmut-friedrich-krause.de/  is presented in this regard.

It is important to understand that the radial field hypothesis is not a thesis in the familiar grid of scientific theories. Although one can and should clearly gain physical aspects from the radial field hypothesis, this thesis raises entirely new questions, e.g. those of the metaphysical premises of theories or of the actual relationship between the inner and outer worlds.

Those who retain their usual 'physical thinking' will probably not be persuaded by data supporting the radial field hypothesis (e.g. in the case of the gravitational acceleration dependent on the degree of latitude) to take decisive steps in thinking (e.g. the distinction between cosmic and celestial surface physics).

It is therefore crucial to let most of the previously assumed relations in the universe rest for the time being, in order to be able to re-evaluate or reassess collected data from a fundamentally different point of view.

This process, this procedure of re-evaluation does not leave the individual untouched and unchanged - and vice versa, only through a deeper change of mind on the part of the 'physicist' is even beginning understanding possible here. One can reject this idea outright and make oneself comfortable in an inscrutable scientific attitude (with regard to the fundamental misconceptions of 'prevailing physics') - but this only leads into the all too familiar circle of knowledge assertions (see big bang 'theory').