
  • In the work of Jochen Kirchhoff there are to be found a lot of statements connecting his own ideas with the thinking of Helmut Friedrich Krause, especially in "Space, dimensions, world models" and in the monographies on Bruno, Kopernikus and Schelling.
  • Rudolf Bahro was mentioned Krause as an example for modern metaphysical natural philosophy.
  • Werner Smigelski refers in some of his books to the theory of core radiation (as an example for theories based on metaphysical thinking)
  • Helmut Friedrich Krause is mentioned in the database "Book of synergy", where are collected alternative perceptions of energy supply also beyond well-known wind and water concepts
  • In meinen eigenen Essays nehme ich regelmäßig Bezug auf das Wirken und die Kernaussagen des Ausnahmephilosophen Krause. Ohne sein Wirken und Denken sind meine Beiträge nicht denkbar; die Intentionen von Krause und Kirchhoff sind für mich in den gelungenen Aussagen aus meiner Feder beständiger Strahlungshintergrund und Bezugspunkt.

Considering the complete different view on human existence and cosmic life by helmut Friedrich Krause, it is understandable in a sort, that there is up to date only a little resonance to the impulses and ideas of Helmut Friedrich Krause. It's not easy to replace the modern common world view by a metaphysically based kind of thinking. But it's still necessary.

Also that's why this blog is existing:

There is urgent need for perception and discussion of the work of Helmut Friedrich Krause which will help to overcome the crisis of the mainstream sciences. And it is already an effective helping hand in the background. -