Life's journey and development

Helmut Krause, ca. 1927

Importance of the natural philosopher Helmut Friedrich Krause

Helmut Friedrich Krause posits as Giordano Bruno does too the infinity of cosmic space and the eternal duration of the universe. He worked out a comprehensive overview of the strukture and the development of heavenly bodies and the cause of gravitation, the development of galaxies, the development of the solar system and the special role and importance of human beings living within the creation. He described and used so called acusmatic countings and calculations of cosmic periods and time qualities in respect of constitutional stages of the path of development of heavenly bodies and creatures. In this way he did think about metaphysical reality referring to concepts as 'World Soul", "World Creator" and "World Destroyer". He was looking at the cosmos as an lively and indivisivle unity, where all the time is taking place a struggle for conciousness and comsic development as well. To his mind only Giordano Bruno was a real preparer of his point of view concerning cosmic life. In Germany there is still continuing his work the natural philosopher und spiritual pioneer Jochen Kirchhoff, who is representing a fundamental critic of modern western sciences as Helmut Friedrich Krause did.


Childhood and Youth

13th of June birth in Bromberg (formaerly Western Prusia) as the third child of Friedrich Wilhelm Krause and his wife Elisabeth (born Giese). A relativ fortunate and unstressed childhood and youth.

7th of Jan. 1921 graduation and after that a one year field work.

1922 start of business management training

Training in Hamburg

22th of Nov. 1922 Emigration to Hamburg (when Western Prussia in 1920 became a part of Poland)

Work among other things as a dispatcher and office clerk at "Amstea-AG"

Training in Berlin

From May 1926 study at the commercial college in Berlin - law, national economics and business administration

18th of Nov. 1930 graduation as qualified businessman

Professional development

From 1930 different jobs in Berlin

1935 -1937 colleague at Ullstein publishing house

From 1940 Chief financial officer at Junckers factories (Later Hansa-Leichtmetall)

1944 department manager at the Argus Corporation

1945 after the end of world war 2 chief of the department of sugar at the central administration of the Soviet Army in Germany

1948 work at Eastern Trade Company

1952 -1956 unemployed

1953 and the years after wasted effort in becoming a private lecturer at different universities

From 1956 advisor at bureau for compensation Berlin-Schöneberg

June 1969 finish of professional activities

Basic research into natural philosophy by Helmut Friedrich Krause

By his own account he started intensive research in 1930.

1930-34 naturwissenschaftliche Arbeiten und Selbststudium der damlas aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse (und Behauptungen)

1937 discovery of the cause of gravitation by visionary view, later rational exposition of the theory of core radiation (see "Material of the world")

Ab 1948 Entwicklung der sogenannten Akusmatik (eine Lehre von den kosmischen Klangrhythmen, die der konkreten Entwicklung des Kosmos zugrundeliegen – nicht zu verwechseln mit dem Begriff aus der Musik!)

1952 start of widespread description of basic correlations of cosmic and earthern development from his point of view

1963/64 transcription of the last version of his philosophy under the title "From the rainbow and from the law of creation"


Appriciable discussion of the ideas and thoughts of Helmut Friedrich Krause is only to be found until now in the work (books, videos and lectures) of Jochen Kirchhoff.


Contribute to research into reincarnation

Helmut Friedrich Krause describes in his work, that he was remembering some earlier incarnations so for example one incarnation as Friedrich II. (Hohenstaufen), who did live in the 13th century in Italy and Germany.

Friedrich II. (Wikipedia)  (1194-1250)

Friedrich, der größte unter den Fürsten der Erde (principum mundi maximus), Staunen der Welt und deren wunderbarer Verwandler (stuporquoque mundi et immutator mirabilis)

(Zitat von Matthäus Paris, einem Chronisten, der Zeitgenosse Friedrich II. war)


Viktor Meyer  „Tile Kolup“ hier als freies Ebook

Literatur zur begründeten Annahme, dass Tile Kolup der Staufer gewesen ist